
Briefs Submitted in Item Veto Case; Oral Argument Set for Feb. 21

by Ryan Koopmans | February 8, 2012

By Ryan Koopmans

The Iowa Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Homan v. Branstad on February 21, in a special 7:00 p.m. session.  The parties filed their final briefs last Monday; they’re linked below. 

Iowa’s Constitution provides that the “governor may approve appropriation bills in whole or in part, and may disapprove any item of an appropriation bill.”  Last year, Governor Branstad vetoed  provisions of an appropriation bill related to the closure of Workforce Development offices.  The Supreme Court will consider whether those provisions were items under the Constitution. 

[Disclosure: Nyemaster Goode attorneys Richard Sapp and Ryan Koopmans represent Governor Branstad in this matter.]

Opening Brief for Governor Terry E. Branstad

Opening Brief and Reply Brief for Danny Homan et al.

Reply Brief for Governor Terry E. Branstad




Iowa Constitution mandates face-to-face confrontation by witness, Iowa Supreme Court rules

A defendant’s right under the Iowa Constitution to confront witnesses at trial is not satisfied by one-way video testimony where the witness testifying on camera is not able to see the defendant, the Iowa Supreme Court held in a 4-3 ruling handed down June 28. In reaching that conclusion, the Court declined to follow a U.S. Supreme Court precedent and overruled one of its own prior rulings.

April 2024 Opinion Roundup

The Iowa Supreme Court entered opinions in nine cases during April 2024.  Opinions from April not covered elsewhere on the blog are summarized below.



On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.


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