
State of the Judiciary

by Ryan Koopmans | January 11, 2012

By Ryan Koopmans

This morning Chief Justice Cady will give the annual State of the Judiciary speech.  It’s being broadcast live on the Judiciary Branch websiteHere’s a sneak peek from the Court’s press release:

The chief justice will discuss the important role courts have in securing a prosperous economic climate in Iowa by providing businesses with the necessary confidence to invest or expand in a community. He will also discuss the role of courts in providing a stable and safe environment for the people who work and live in this state. The chief justice will apprise the legislators on the impact of a decade of budget cuts on the court’s ability to provide access to justice for all Iowans. He will announce that the judicial branch stands ready to work with the legislative and executive branches on the goal of achieving a vibrant Iowa economy.




Iowa Constitution mandates face-to-face confrontation by witness, Iowa Supreme Court rules

A defendant’s right under the Iowa Constitution to confront witnesses at trial is not satisfied by one-way video testimony where the witness testifying on camera is not able to see the defendant, the Iowa Supreme Court held in a 4-3 ruling handed down June 28. In reaching that conclusion, the Court declined to follow a U.S. Supreme Court precedent and overruled one of its own prior rulings.

April 2024 Opinion Roundup

The Iowa Supreme Court entered opinions in nine cases during April 2024.  Opinions from April not covered elsewhere on the blog are summarized below.



On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.


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