Oral argument on the right to a jury will be heard by Iowa Supreme Court in session in Perry April 4
In July 2020 the Iowa Attorney General filed a civil suit alleging a now-defunct Omaha company violated Iowa’s Consumer Fraud Act in marketing stem-cell and exosome therapy treatments using false, misleading, and deceptive tactics.
When the case went to trial in Polk County District Court, the defendant, Travis Autor, …
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Iowa Supreme Court sends case on “protectionist” legislation back to trial court with pointed language about legislative logrolling
The Iowa Constitution requires that bills enacted by the General Assembly contain a single subject in the title. Although legislators often use vaguely general titles on bills that contain many unrelated provisions, the Iowa Supreme Court has been reluctant to declare the practice unconstitutional: In the 166 years since th …
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Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in two cases March 22
The Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases March 22. Two other cases will be submitted to the Court without oral argument. Following are summaries of those cases. Go to On Brief’s “Cases in the Pipeline” page to read the briefs filed in these cases.
&nbs …
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In a Wapello County case, Iowa Supreme Court parses settlement agreement language on ‘derelict’ vehicles
When Wapello County set out to remove what it considered “derelict” vehicles from a residential property, the owners sued. The suit was dropped after the owners and the County reached a settlement in which the owners agreed to do the removal themselves to the County’s “satisfaction.”
The word “satisfaction” …
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Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 11 cases Feb. 21 and 22
The Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in 11 cases Feb. 21 and Feb 22. Two additional cases will be submitted to the Court without oral arguments. Go to On Brief’s “Cases in the Pipeline” page to read the briefs submitted to the Court in these cases. Following are b …
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Iowa Supreme Court to hear a case with constitutional implications in Feb. 20 evening session
The Iowa Supreme Court will hear an oral argument in a special evening session Monday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Judicial Branch Building. The evening session is an opportunity for members of the public who might otherwise be unable to attend court sessions to witness an oral argument in person.
The case to be argued – …
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Detectives’ ‘distasteful’ deception crossed no constitutional lines, Iowa Supreme Court holds
The Iowa Supreme Court has for more than 60 years used what it has called a “common sense” standard for determining whether police officers cross a constitutional line by dangling the prospect of leniency before a criminal suspect that is likely to lead to a false confession.
Applying the precedent first enunciated i …
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Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in 11 appeals Jan. 18 and 19
The Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in 11 cases Jan. 18 and 19. Three other cases will be submitted to the court without oral argument. Go to On Brief’s “Cases in the Pipeline” page to read briefs filed in these cases. Following are brief summaries of the January …
read moreDivided Iowa Supreme Court reversed district court’s exclusion of criminal defendant’s family from attending trial under the Court’s COVID-19 Supervisory Order as a violation of the public right to trial
In State v. Brimmer, the Iowa Supreme Court was read more

Appeal for injunction dropped in constitutional challenge to gender-balance rule for State Judicial Nominating Commission
The plaintiffs in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit regarding the constitutionality of Iowa’s gender balance requirement for the State Judicial Nominating Commission have agreed to dismiss their appeal of an Iowa district court’s denial of their request for a temporary injunction.
The cas …
Suit regarding ownership of Terrace Hill contents remanded to trial court by Iowa Supreme Court
The Iowa Supreme Court sent a case back to Polk County District Court for further proceedings on a suit brought by the Terrace Hill Society Foundation against the Terrace Hill Commission regarding which party controls the collection of artifacts in the Terrace Hill governor’s mansion.
The Terrace Hill Society Foundatio …
Thirty cases yet to be decided in Iowa Supreme Court’s term ending in June
The Iowa Supreme Court has 30 cases left to decide in the two months that remain in the Court’s 2023-24 term.
The case that has been on the undecided list the longest – State v. Bauler, which raised a question of whether a defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated in a traffic stop – was argued N …
Iowa Supreme Court sends question of State Auditor’s application of records law back to district court
The Iowa Supreme Court reversed in part a Polk County District Court ruling granting summary judgment in favor of State Auditor Rob Sand’s withholding release of communications related to the Auditor’s investigation of the governor’s office. The justices sent the case back to the trial court for further proceedings on …
Indecent exposure before two witnesses is two crimes, not one, Iowa Supreme Court holds
If two persons simultaneously witness another person masturbating in violation of Iowa’s indecent exposure statute, has that person committed two separate crimes or one crime under Iowa law?
According to the defendant who was convicted by a Story County jury on two counts of indecent exposure for exposing himself and m …
On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.