December 2023 Opinion Roundup

The Iowa Supreme Court entered opinions in fourteen cases during December 2023. You can read Rox Laird’s analysis of State v. Geddes, State v. Arrieta, Harding v. Sasso, and Hummel v. Smith and Hilts v. Smith. The remaining opinions from December are summarized below.

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Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Sept. 11 and 12

The Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in eight cases Sept. 11 and 12. Four other cases will be submitted to the Court without oral argument. Following are brief summaries of those cases. The Court will travel to Harlan Sept. 24 to hear arguments in one case. On Brief will preview that case closer to that date.

Iowa Supreme Court kicks off 2024-25 term Sept. 6

The 2024-25 term of the Iowa Supreme Court will get under way Sept. 6 with the Court’s first scheduled oral argument to be held at the University of Iowa College of Law in Iowa City. Oral arguments in nine cases will be heard Sept. 11 and 12 in the Supreme Court courtroom in the Judicial Branch Building in Des Moines. Fiv …



On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.


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