Bury Me in Satin, Pretty Please

By Ryan Koopmans

Today, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that Iowa law does not allow a person to control the final disposition of her remains.  In a split decision, the Court held that Iowa’s Final Disposition Act, Chapter 144C, provides a compre

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Iowa trucking company gets unanimous U.S. Supreme Court victory

A sexual harassment lawsuit against Cedar Rapids trucking company CRST that has bounced around the federal courts for more than a decade took yet another bounce at the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday.

The history of this case is so contorted that the Supreme Co

Iowa Court of Appeals: Reversing an agency’s fact-based ruling is the “Bigfoot of the legal community”

By Ryan Koopmans

When an administrative agency makes a ruling that depends, at least in part, upon factual determinations, it’s difficult to get that ruling overturned on appeal.  This morning, in

Iowa Supreme Court takes up landlord-tenant law

It has been a matter of law in Iowa for more than four decades that tenants have a right to expect that a rented apartment or house will be fit for human habitation.

The Iowa Supreme Court last week clarified the meaning of that right in a


On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.


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