By Ryan Koopmans
In the Eighth Circuit, as in every other circuit, one three-judge panel may not overrule a decision of a previous panel. But what happens when the later panel overlooks a previous decision and reaches the opposite outcome? T …
By Ryan Koopmans
In the Eighth Circuit, as in every other circuit, one three-judge panel may not overrule a decision of a previous panel. But what happens when the later panel overlooks a previous decision and reaches the opposite outcome? T …
The Iowa Supreme Court will hold a special evening session in Des Moines Feb. 19 to hear oral arguments in a case involving the right of a criminal suspect in police custody to contact a lawyer or family member.
Oral arguments are ordinarily held during mornings or early afternoons in Des Moines, but each term the Court …
Was it enough for a truck driver who struck a cow on the interstate, seeking to prove the cow’s owner was negligent, to rely upon the very fact that the cow had been allowed to wander onto the highway in the first place?
Not without more, the Iowa Supreme Court said in a
The Iowa Supreme Court entered opinions in fourteen cases during December 2023. You can read Rox Laird’s analysis of State v. Geddes, State v. Arrieta, Harding v. Sasso, and Hummel v. Smith and Hilts v. Smith. The remaining opinions from December are summarized below. Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) paid a female employee less than a male employee in a comparable position, but the pay differential did not amount to illegal discrimination, according to a Feb. 2 opinion by the Iowa Supreme Court. Sandra Selden, an Application Support Analyst 2 in the DMACC information technolo …December 2023 Opinion Roundup
Iowa Supreme Court reverses jury verdict in DMACC pay discrimination case
On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.