Lay Landowner Cannot Testify About Specific Comparable Sales to Support the Valuation of His Land Without Expert Testimony, Iowa Supreme Court Rules

Iowa has long recognized what is know as “the property owner rule,” which permits a landowner to testify as a non-expert in condemnation cases about the landowner’s opinion of the value of its own property. Iowa has also long recognized that property values can be supported by the prices paid in comparable land sales. …

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Iowa Supreme Court affirms transgender discrimination claims against Iowa Department of Corrections and affirms summary judgment ruling in favor of Wellmark

Nearly 40 years ago the Iowa Supreme Court held that “sex” does not mean the same as “gender” in an employment discrimination claim brought by a transgender plaintiff. It was the first, and last, time the Court addressed that issue until April 1 when the Court reached the same conclusion in read more


Iowa Supreme Court: It is not enough to say that a cow does not belong on a highway

Was it enough for a truck driver who struck a cow on the interstate, seeking to prove the cow’s owner was negligent, to rely upon the very fact that the cow had been allowed to wander onto the highway in the first place?

Not without more, the Iowa Supreme Court said in a

December 2023 Opinion Roundup

The Iowa Supreme Court entered opinions in fourteen cases during December 2023. You can read Rox Laird’s analysis of State v. Geddes, State v. Arrieta, Harding v. Sasso, and Hummel v. Smith and Hilts v. Smith. The remaining opinions from December are summarized below.

Iowa Supreme Court reverses jury verdict in DMACC pay discrimination case

Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) paid a female employee less than a male employee in a comparable position, but the pay differential did not amount to illegal discrimination, according to a Feb. 2 opinion by the Iowa Supreme Court.

Sandra Selden, an Application Support Analyst 2 in the DMACC information technolo …


  • Iowa Supreme Court Oral Arguments
  • Iowa Supreme Court Opinion and/or Further Review Conference
  • Iowa Court of Appeals Oral Arguments
  • Holidays



On Brief: Iowa’s Appellate Blog is devoted to appellate litigation with a focus on the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.


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