- (no title)
- “Pleaded” or “Pled”: Vote Now
- 8th Circuit: South Dakota Can Require Doctors to Warn Abortion-Seekers of Increased Suicide Risk
- A conversation with the Court: Three Iowa Supreme Court justices sit down with Rox Laird to talk about life on and off the bench
- A New Fast Track for Certified Questions?
- Amici will get oral-argument time in Iowa Supreme Court voting case
- Anonymous Tips and Juvenile Sentencing: A Criminal End to the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2012-2013 Term
- Attorney General Miller Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Strike Down Prop 8 and DOMA
- Beard Update
- Beneficiaries of Revocable Trusts Have No Right to Accounting of Trust Activities Prior to Settlor’s Death
- Biological parents in 1965 adoption still secret, says Iowa Supreme Court
- BREAKING: Eighth Circuit Strikes Down Part of Iowa’s Election Laws As Unconstitutional
- Briefs Submitted in Item Veto Case; Oral Argument Set for Feb. 21
- Bury Me in Satin, Pretty Please
- Can the US Supreme Court hear the telemed-abortion case? [UPDATE: No!]
- Chief Justice Appoints Judge Colloton as Chair of Appellate Rules Committee
- Chief Justice Cady on Iowa Press
- Chief Justice Cady to Give Commencement Address at Buena Vista University
- Chief Justice Cady to Testify Before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
- Chiodo v. Bisignano: What happens now?
- Chiropractic School Must Provide Blind Student a “Sighted Assistant” to Interpret X-Rays
- City of Des Moines Asks Iowa Supreme Court to Reconsider Class Action Ruling
- Commission nominates three for Iowa Court of Appeals vacancy
- Commission Picks Three for Court of Appeals Spot
- Conservator Not Strictly Liable for Investment Decisions Made Without Court Approval
- Could an Iowan soon sit on the nation’s highest court?
- Court of Appeals Vacancy Announced
- Court Strikes Down “Steel Wheel” Ban
- Deja Deja Vu at the Iowa Supreme Court
- Does Iowa’s public-intox law apply to your front steps?
- Don’t forget about the appendix–we use that, you know
- Early Coverage of Education Ruling
- Eighth Circuit Creates Intra-Circuit Conflict–In One Day
- Eighth Circuit Denies Petition for Rehearing in Political Discrimination Case
- Eighth Circuit Grants Rehearing En Banc in Funeral Protest Case
- Eighth Circuit Grants Rehearing En Banc to Settle Intra-Circuit Split
- Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference Features Justice Alito and Three Former Solicitors General
- Eighth Circuit Newsletter: Intra-Circuit Splits, the Twenty-First Amendment, and Judge Jane Kelly
- Eighth Circuit Panel Split Over Whether Statute of Limitations Binds Court’s Sua Sponte Authority
- Eighth Circuit Panels No Longer “Free to Choose”
- Eighth Circuit Rejects Constitutional Challenge to Iowa’s Judicial-Selection Method
- Eighth Circuit reverses “novel” limitation on a defendant’s procreation
- Eighth Circuit Rules That Healthcare Challengers Lack Standing
- Eighth Circuit Schedules Second En Banc Argument of the Term
- Eighth Circuit tees up the ACA contraception mandate (and accommodation) for another SCOTUS review
- Eighth Circuit to Decide Whether Iowa’s Campaign-Finance Laws Survive Constitutional Scrutiny
- Eighth Circuit to District Court: Don’t Be Cruel
- Eighth Circuit to honor the late Judge George G. Fagg
- Eighth Circuit Upholds Minnesota’s Code of Judicial Conduct Against First Amendment Challenge
- Eighth Circuit Validates Class Action Waivers in FLSA Cases
- Eighth Circuit: Political discrimination case against Iowa law school must be retried
- Eighth Circuit: Political Discrimination Suit Against Iowa Law School Dean May Proceed to Trial
- Eighth Circuit: School May Punish Students For Out-Of-School Internet Speech
- Eighth Circuit: Your Facebook post could get you kicked out of school
- En Banc Eighth Circuit Rules Against Funeral Protesters in Free Speech Case
- Get back in here! U.S. Supreme Court rejects Eighth Circuit’s “no recalling a jury” rule.
- Gov. Branstad Appoints Judge Bower to Court of Appeals
- Griffin v. Pate: Does the meaning of “infamous crime” come down to what Justice Appel thinks?
- Happy Friday: Iowa Supreme Court says that it’s not illegal to drink on your front steps.
- In the news:
- Intended Beneficiaries Can Sue Financial Advisors for Failure to Carry Out Client’s Wishes
- Iowa Court of Appeals Affirms Lack of Standing in Case Seeking Separate Ballot for Judicial Retention Elections
- Iowa Court of Appeals: Reversing an agency’s fact-based ruling is the “Bigfoot of the legal community”
- Iowa Federal Judge Listed As Potential Supreme Court Nominee in Romney Administration
- Iowa Public Radio looks at the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2012-2013 term
- Iowa Right to Life Appeals Campaign Finance Decision
- Iowa Right to Life Asks the Supreme Court to Overturn Iowa’s Ban on Corporate Contributions
- Iowa Supreme Court Adopts Majority View On Invasion of Privacy
- Iowa Supreme Court Affirms Defense Ruling in Disparate-Impact Employment Discrimination Case Against State
- Iowa Supreme Court Affirms Mark Becker’s Conviction
- Iowa Supreme Court Affirms Workers’ Compensation Commissioner’s Award of Benefits in a Battle of the Experts
- Iowa Supreme Court Agrees to Consider Three Post-Conviction Relief Cases
- Iowa Supreme Court Allows Claim for Emotional Distress Damages to Proceed in Legal Malpractice Action
- Iowa Supreme Court Announces New Calendar
- Iowa Supreme Court Answers Certified Question
- Iowa Supreme Court Continues Road Tour
- Iowa Supreme Court Declines to “Mount the Unruly Horse”: Upholds Two-Year Limitation as Reasonable in Underinsured Policy
- Iowa Supreme Court Divided on Use of Balancing Test to Weigh “Confidential Personnel Records” Exemption to Open Records Requests
- Iowa Supreme Court edits its opinion–and tells us about it
- Iowa Supreme Court Embraces the ADAAA
- Iowa Supreme Court enforces Florida post-nuptial agreement that wouldn’t be okay under Iowa law
- Iowa Supreme Court Excludes Testimony Under the Confrontation Clause
- Iowa Supreme Court expands exception to at-will employment
- Iowa Supreme Court extends argument time in major voting case and says amici can argue–if the parties let them
- Iowa Supreme Court Grants Further Review in Becker Case
- Iowa Supreme Court Grants Further Review in Five Cases
- Iowa Supreme Court Grants Further Review in Two Cases Involving Iowa Colleges
- Iowa Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in High-Profile Ballot Access Dispute
- Iowa Supreme Court Holds Third Party Records That Relate to an Investigation By a Licensing Board May Be Subject to Disclosure Under the Iowa Open Records Act
- Iowa Supreme Court reaffirms that unfair terminations based on personal relationships are not illegal
- Iowa Supreme Court Recognizes Claim for Paternity Fraud
- Iowa Supreme Court Rejects New Federal Standard for Motion to Dismiss; Refuses to Adopt “Plausibility” Test
- Iowa Supreme Court reverses high school coach’s conviction for sexual exploitation
- Iowa Supreme Court Rules that Insurance Agents Owe a Duty of Care to “Intended” Beneficiaries
- Iowa Supreme Court Sharply Divided on Constitutional Challenge to the State’s Education System
- Iowa Supreme Court splits 4-3 in bar-fight case
- Iowa Supreme Court splits over what kinds of criminals can vote
- Iowa Supreme Court Stays District Court Decision on the Juvenile Home
- Iowa Supreme Court Strips Live Nude Dancing Theaters of Regulation by Local Ordinances
- Iowa Supreme Court suspends lawyer who was duped by Nigerian email scam
- Iowa Supreme Court takes up unemployment case involving jailed employee
- Iowa Supreme Court to Decide Campaign Finance Issue Tomorrow
- Iowa Supreme Court to Decide Whether Internal Whistleblowers are Protected from Termination under Public-Policy Doctrine
- Iowa Supreme Court to Hear Birth-Certificate Case Brought By Same-Sex Couple
- Iowa Supreme Court to Issue Four Opinions Tomorrow
- Iowa Supreme Court to Reconsider Case of “Irresistible Employee”
- Iowa Supreme Court to weigh in on Workers’ Compensation battle over surveillance video
- Iowa Supreme Court Water Works Argument: Will the Iowa Supreme Court reverse precedent through a certified question?
- Iowa Supreme Court Will Issue Opinions in Three Cases Tomorrow
- Iowa Supreme Court Will Issue Opinions in Two Cases Tomorrow
- Iowa Supreme Court: An Estate’s Lawyer Is Not Automatically An Executor’s Personal Counsel
- Iowa Supreme Court: Go ahead, live-tweet us
- Iowa Supreme Court: Punitive damages are not available under the Iowa Civil Rights Act
- Iowa Supreme Court: Student can’t sue Drake Law School for allegedly keeping out service dog trainee
- Iowa: Where the potential SCOTUS nominees roam
- ISBA annual meeting will feature presentations by the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
- It’s still Cady’s Court: Our statistical review of the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2015-16 term
- Judge Colloton warns of Twombly and Iqbal embellishment
- Judge Jane Kelly
- Justice Thomas quotes the Iowa Supreme Court on race and the Constitution
- Justice Waterman: Beer-Can Connoisseur
- Justice Wiggins Authors Rare Dissent in Attorney-Discipline Case
- King v. State: A lot to digest
- King v. State: What sources are relevant to interpreting the Constitution?
- Koopmans talks Iowa Supreme Court decisions on IPR’s River to River
- Koopmans to Discuss Iowa Supreme Court on Iowa Public Radio’s River to River
- Looking ahead, looking back, and On Brief news
- Melissa Nelson asks the Iowa Supreme Court to reconsider her case–again
- Mitchell County will not seek U.S. Supreme Court review of steel wheel case
- More Analysis on Iowa Right to Life v. Tooker: Less Disclosure, Future Litigation
- Mortgage Takes Priority Over Dower, Dower Takes Priority Over All Others
- No Punitive Damages After Death
- Nyemaster Goode and The Des Moines Register Present The Cady Court at Five
- Nyemaster Goode Attorneys Comment on Legislation That Would Overrule Supreme Court Decision
- Opinion Summary: Pavone v. Kirke
- Opinion Summary: Westling v. Hormel Foods Corp.
- Oral Argument Set for Two Iowa Civil Rights Act Appeals in January
- Organizations Making Independent Expenditures Need Not Register As a PAC
- Palo tells the Iowa Supreme Court that he should remain on the team
- Plaintiffs Appeal Race Discrimination Case to Iowa Supreme Court
- Police can’t detain a car’s occupants simply because there was “movement inside the vehicle with moisture on the windows.”
- Police lights = Fourth Amendment seizure? Maybe
- Press Roundup
- Press Roundup
- Quit horsin’ around! Your 38-year-old horse doesn’t make you a farmer.
- Radio Iowa Interview on Iowa Supreme Court Term
- Recent shave moots Eighth Circuit beard appeal
- Recollection of Two Iowa Judicial Titans
- Register Editorial: “Court Rightly Sees Need For Openness”
- Robert Bork v. Antonin Scalia, Tom Harkin, and the Iowa Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in Bertrand v. Mullin
- Rox Laird, veteran Iowa courts commentator, joins On Brief
- Rubashkin Hires Former SG Paul Clement for Supreme Court Challenge
- SCOTUS ruling on blood-alcohol tests leads Iowa Supreme Court to delay boating-while-intoxicated case until next term
- Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing is Underway
- Senator Harkin Recommends Two for Eighth Circuit Vacancy
- Sholom Rubashkin Files Petition for Certiorari with U.S. Supreme Court
- Solicitor General Verrilli to Speak at Iowa Law School Graduation
- State of the Judiciary
- State of the Judiciary
- Supreme Court Affirms Attorney Fee Award Against City
- Supreme Court Affirms Privilege Applicable to Physician’s Credentialing File
- Supreme Court Denies Cert. in Trio of Iowa Cases
- Supreme Court Follows the Eighth Circuit and Denies Social Security Benefits to Children Conceived After the Death of the Father
- Supreme Court Grants Further Review in 7 Cases
- Supreme Court Grants Further Review in Five Cases
- Supreme Court Oral Arguments Suggest That Federal Political Contribution Limits Vulnerable
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Voting Rights Act Provision: What It Means For Iowa
- Supreme Court Takes Up Two Cases from the Eighth Circuit
- Supreme Court to issue birth-certificate decision tomorrow
- Supreme Court: Tax Credit Film Budgets Not Confidential
- Telemed abortion case could have broad implications
- The case of the fainting juror and the doctor who did not tend to her
- The Eighth Circuit Bar Association’s Winter Newsletter is Out
- The Iowa Supreme Court continues state-wide tour
- The Iowa Supreme Court in Primetime
- The Iowa Supreme Court Makes Timeliness a Priority
- The Iowa Supreme Court May Have to Reconsider its Decision on Anonymous Tips and Drunk Driving
- The Iowa Supreme Court on vasectomies and due process
- The Iowa Supreme Court wants to know what you think
- The Iowa Supreme Court: How Each Justice Voted During the 2012-2013 Term
- The Iowa Supreme Court’s 2013-2014 Term: By the Numbers
- The NFL Goes Back to the Eighth Circuit
- The Streak Ends: Justice Zager Dissents
- The Tinkers go back to the Supreme Court
- The U.S. Supreme Court could decide Friday whether to (indirectly) review the Iowa Supreme Court’s telemed abortion decision
- This Week at the Iowa Supreme Court
- Tomorrow is Juvenile Sentencing Day at the Iowa Supreme Court
- Traffic cameras are constitutional–at least if you don’t deny that you were driving
- Trust Beneficiaries Give Away Land, Can’t Get It Back
- Two appellate-jurisdiction issues; two circuit splits. Next year’s moot-court competition?
- U.S. Supreme Court Allows Iowa’s Corporate Contribution Ban To Survive, For Now
- U.S. Supreme Court denies review in Iowa drunk driving case
- U.S. Supreme Court splits with the Iowa Supreme Court on anonymous tips of drunk driving
- U.S. Supreme Court to Consider Fourth Amendment Issue with Iowa Implications
- U.S. Supreme Court to Consider Three Iowa Cases on September 24
- Unfair termination does not violate Iowa Civil Rights Act
- Until Pay-On-Death Do Us Part
- Voting Alignment on the Iowa Supreme Court
- What does it mean when a justice concurs “in result only”?
- What’s left on the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2012-2013 docket
- When is a court order electronically filed?
- When should an inferior court just sit tight?
- Who is the Solicitor General and what does he do?
- Who’s your style guide?
- Who’s in Control? A Subcontractor’s Duty of Care Is Limited Under McCormick v. Nikkel & Associates, Inc.
- Working in Des Moines Doesn’t Suit Illinois Truck Driver
Rox Laird
- “Mail” now means “email” under the Administrative Procedure Act, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- “Supermajority” Bill Could Change the Outcome of State Constitutional Questions before the Iowa Supreme Court
- 2016-17 Iowa Supreme Court preview: Do high school baseball dugouts need to be completely enclosed?
- 2016-17 Iowa Supreme Court status report: 69 down; 49 to go
- 2016-17 Iowa Supreme Court status report: 96 down; 21 to go
- A choice between giving up constitutional rights and personal property is no choice at all, the Iowa Supreme Court rules
- A question in traffic-camera appeals: Do you have a constitutional right to break the speed limit in Iowa?
- A quick look at what remains on the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2015-2016 docket
- A second urine test needed for OWI conviction, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- A splintered Iowa Supreme Court reverses $1.4 million employment judgment
- An Iowan on the Supreme Court? It’s happened before.
- Applications now open to replace Chief Judge Vogel
- As Iowa Supreme Court heads into last month of its term, 28 decisions are still in the pipeline
- As Iowa Supreme Court heads into the home stretch, 45 appeals are still in the pipeline
- Assessing fault: The designated driver? Or a drunken passenger who fell off the trunk of the car?
- Battle over an acre of farmland may be headed to U.S. Supreme Court
- Challenge to judicial nominating process to be argued before Iowa Court of Appeals Nov. 6
- Changes in members create new alliances on the Iowa Supreme Court
- Chief Justice Cady: “Voices of democracy,” not the Court, can alter Infamous Crimes Clause
- Chief justice gets big applause from lawmakers, but will it translate into more funding for the courts?
- Christopher McDonald elevated to the Iowa Supreme Court by Governor Reynolds
- Cities may have dodged a procedural nightmare in Iowa Supreme Court’s ‘Field of Dreams’ ruling
- Court adds another case to juvenile sentencing lineup
- Court guts unemployment rule on jailed workers
- Court of Appeals Chief Judge Danilson to retire in January
- Decisions expected from Iowa Supreme Court in two cases Friday
- Deer quarantine law doesn’t extend to hunting preserves, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Defendant did not violate the Iowa Civil Rights Act for discrimination it was unaware of, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Definition of ‘confidential’ government records broadened by U.S. Supreme Court in South Dakota decision
- Des Moines Water Works lawsuit is teed up for the Iowa Supreme Court’s next term
- Des Moines will host 2018 Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference
- District Judge Susan Christensen named to the Iowa Supreme Court
- Divided Iowa Supreme Court keeps county attorney on the job, despite sexual harassment complaints
- Doing time for a ‘serious offense against the planet’
- Eight oral arguments on tap for the Iowa Supreme Court this week
- Eighth Circuit case on food-stamp records to be argued at U.S. Supreme Court April 22
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals issues a split decision on the legality of Des Moines’ utility fee
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals now at full strength
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals rules twice in one week upholding Arkansas death penalty process
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals: Mother can be criminally prosecuted for baby’s death from toxic drugs she consumed while pregnant
- Eighth Circuit rules ‘In God We Trust’ on U.S. currency is constitutional
- Eighth Circuit rules for union worker who hurled racist comments at strike breakers
- Eighth Circuit to decide whether company executives can be jailed under a “responsible corporate officer” theory
- Eighth Circuit to hear arguments Wednesday on ISU trademark use by advocates of legalizing marijuana
- Eighth Circuit upholds Sorenson prison sentence for lying about taking money for political endorsements
- Eighth Circuit will take another look at ISU free speech ruling
- Employees with employment contracts can sue for wrongful termination, the Iowa Supreme Court rules for the first time
- Evidence of a driver’s intoxication after leaving a bar should have gone to the jury, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Federal appeals court upholds dismissal of lawsuit in fatal shooting by Iowa deputy sheriff
- Federal courts mostly unaffected by government shutdown – at least for now
- Federal courts open for business at least one more week
- Felony-murder rule can be applied to juveniles, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Fleeing criminal suspect who rams cop cars must pay for the damage, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Four Iowa Supreme Court opinions on State’s duty to protect nursing home residents from a convicted sex offender
- From our archive: An interview with Justice Daryl Hecht, who died April 3
- How Iowa’s appellate courts have changed over four decades
- Indecent-exposure conviction required physical presence, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Instructing jurors on the use (or non-use) of media in the digital world
- Iowa native tapped for vacancy on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Can Iowa courts create damage claims for constitutional violations?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Appeal in 12-year-old murder case arrives at the Iowa Supreme Court Wednesday
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Can Dyersville rezone heaven?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Court asked to go further on juvenile sentences
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Did DNR go too far in protecting deer from Chronic Wasting Disease?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 preview: Did Iowa’s anti-slavery delegates in 1857 give criminal defendants broader rights today?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 preview: Does confidentiality in a ‘morbidity and mortality’ report apply to a dislocated shoulder?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Does federal immigration policy preempt Iowa’s criminal laws?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 preview: Is it possible to guarantee racial balance on Iowa juries?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Must the State protect public from released sex offenders?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: What a difference 15 eighty-fifths can make in your day
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Will Iowa Court chart a new course in boating case?
- Iowa Supreme Court 2016-17 Preview: Will the Iowa Supreme Court reconsider its speedy-indictment rule?
- Iowa Supreme Court adds nine new cases to its docket
- Iowa Supreme Court affirms Carroll Airport’s decision affecting a towering grain elevator in its flight path
- Iowa Supreme Court argument recap: Justices keep cards close to the vest in immigration case
- Iowa Supreme Court asked: Is it possible to say the road not taken would have led to better place?
- Iowa Supreme Court cites state records law in sealing court records
- Iowa Supreme Court closing to the end of its 2015-16 term
- Iowa Supreme Court continues to debate meaning of the 4th Amendment and the breadth of Iowa’s Search-and-Seizure Clause
- Iowa Supreme Court denies review of Harrison County open meetings ruling by Court of Appeals
- Iowa Supreme Court draws a line in two juvenile sentencing cases
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in two cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court finds a warrantless breath test while operating a boat was involuntary and violated the Iowa Constitution.
- Iowa Supreme Court heads to Red Oak to hear arguments on whether a jury was swayed by social media
- Iowa Supreme Court holds it had authority to extend statute of limitations during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Iowa Supreme Court makes a call for the State in ‘Field of Dreams’ film case
- Iowa Supreme Court nears the end of its 2018-19 term with seven decisions remaining in the pipeline
- Iowa Supreme Court opens door to ‘actual innocence’ claims following guilty pleas
- Iowa Supreme Court opens the courthouse doors to ‘wrongful birth’ lawsuits
- Iowa Supreme Court oral argument recap: Justices go hunting for the DNR’s legislative authority
- Iowa Supreme Court oral argument recap: Justices see a problem with jury selection, but no easy solution
- Iowa Supreme Court oral argument recap: Should courts keep a lid on the box?
- Iowa Supreme Court preview: Can you claim ‘actual innocence’ after pleading guilty to a crime?
- Iowa Supreme Court preview: Final cases of the term set for oral argument April 10
- Iowa Supreme Court Preview: Homicide victim pummeled by 15 people; does it matter which one(s) delivered the deadly blows?
- Iowa Supreme Court preview: Is Iowa’s law protecting hog confinements from lawsuits unconstitutional?
- Iowa Supreme Court Preview: Justices will hear arguments in 10 cases this week
- Iowa Supreme Court preview: Justices will hear arguments this week on abortion, immunity for public officials, and municipal zoning
- Iowa Supreme Court preview: Seven cases set for argument March 6 and 7
- Iowa Supreme Court reaffirms ‘public duty doctrine’ in rejecting claims against Humboldt County
- Iowa Supreme Court reduces frivolous litigation penalty assessed against a party.
- Iowa Supreme Court restores sentence reduction in a ruling affecting 150 inmates
- Iowa Supreme Court reverses itself in speedy indictment cases
- Iowa Supreme Court says convicted child abuser should get police reports that could help him win a new trial
- Iowa Supreme Court says insurance liability must be shared in a tragic shooting death
- Iowa Supreme Court set to hear arguments in four cases next week
- Iowa Supreme Court set to hear arguments in nine cases Tuesday and Wednesday
- Iowa Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments in eight cases Jan. 23 and 24
- Iowa Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments in five cases Feb. 12 and 13
- Iowa Supreme Court sets new standard in employment discrimination cases
- Iowa Supreme Court splits on when hearsay is admissible in domestic abuse cases
- Iowa Supreme Court splits, again, on a juvenile sentencing case
- Iowa Supreme Court sticks with its precedent on livestock nuisance suits
- Iowa Supreme Court takes up landlord-tenant law
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in nine cases Feb. 17-19
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in nine cases Nov. 16 and 17
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in three criminal cases on Aug. 8
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments on the right to a jury and to a language interpreter in Davenport today
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral argument at Johnston High School Monday night, and at the Judicial Branch Building Tuesday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hold evening argument in case involving the death of a rock star and the constitutional rights of the unborn
- Iowa Supreme Court upholds a will to resolve a legal dispute over a family farm
- Iowa Supreme Court upholds Utilities Board rule that eases regulation of wind farms
- Iowa Supreme Court urged to ban criminal prosecution of 13-year-olds in adult court
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that could affect future wind power regulation
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in a police-shooting case in an evening session Feb. 5
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments in eight cases March 5 and 6
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in five cases Oct. 16 and 17
- Iowa Supreme Court, citing the Iowa Constitution, limits warrantless searches of containers in impounded vehicles
- Iowa Supreme Court: Changes within trailer park did not affect its zoning status
- Iowa Supreme Court: Cities may delay, not ban, criminal background checks on job applicants
- Iowa Supreme Court: Cuts in public-sector collective bargaining rights meet constitutional muster
- Iowa Supreme Court: DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers exceeded their authority on traffic citations
- Iowa Supreme Court: Patient safety reports are privileged under ‘morbidity and mortality’ statute
- Iowa Supreme Court: Plaintiff’s attorney crossed a line, so the defendant gets a new trial
- Iowa Supreme Court: Plaintiffs may sue State for damages under the Iowa Constitution
- Iowa Supreme Court: The Constitution does not require special treatment for juveniles on restitution orders
- Iowa Supreme Court: Trial judge erred on removing a biased juror, but the verdict stands
- Iowa Supreme Court: Truncated phone hearing on parental rights violated jailed mother’s constitutional rights
- Iowa Supreme Court’s September lineup: 26 cases on the calendar with 15 oral arguments
- Iowa Supreme Court’s sex-by-fraud decision comes down to the meaning of ‘consent’
- Iowa trucking company gets unanimous U.S. Supreme Court victory
- Iowa, the EPA, and the Supreme Court
- Iowa’s Supreme Court justices unanimous in a juvenile-sentencing decision
- Iowan seeks to limit a Fourth Amendment exception in appeal to U.S. Supreme Court
- Iowans remember Mark Cady, the man and the chief justice
- Is an employee covered by a collective-bargaining agreement entitled to an exception to the ‘at-will’ employment doctrine?
- Is sexual harassment grounds for removing an elected official from office?
- ISU asks Eighth Circuit to stop marijuana advocates from using the university’s logo
- Judge Bright calls federal sentences of Native Americans unfair in Iowa case
- Judge Vogel elected Iowa Court of Appeals chief judge
- Judges must know offenders’ ability to pay before ordering restitution, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Justice Scalia’s death could affect an Iowa college’s challenge to the contraceptives mandate
- Justice Ward Reynoldson (1920-2016): A humble judge who changed Iowa courts
- Juvenile sentencing ruling exposes deep fissure on Iowa Supreme Court
- Lawsuit from fatal balcony fall goes back to Polk County court
- Legal malpractice claim tossed by the Iowa Supreme Court because the aggrieved client waited too long to sue
- Legislative act barring pro se briefs does not cross constitutional line, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Man deserves day in court to avoid losing his home over $220 delinquent tax bill, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Mark Cady’s term as Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court renewed for another term
- Most Iowa lawyers back retention of all 66 judges on the Nov. 8 ballot
- Ninth Circuit says that Iowa and other states cannot sue California over henhouse rules
- Northern District Judge Edward J. McManus (1920-2017): A half-century on the bench
- One down, two to go: Senate Confirms Erickson to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Oral Argument recap: A shorthanded Iowa Supreme Court seems skeptical in Water Works case
- Oral Argument Recap: Iowa justices worry about safety on lakes and roads alike
- Oral argument recap: Justices hear the case for and against prosecuting a child as an adult
- Question to be argued before the Iowa Supreme Court: Games of skill or chance?
- Question to Iowa Supreme Court: Who are the legal parents of a child born of a surrogate mother?
- SCOTUS denies appeal of Eighth Circuit agricultural wetlands ruling
- Search ends at personal belongings in a targeted-warrant case, the Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Sidewalk evangelist loses again before federal Court of Appeals
- Slot-machine-like gaming machines are subject to gambling law, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Split Eighth Circuit panel affirms the DeCoster’s prison sentence
- Statistical Review of the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2016-17 Term: Hints at what to expect this term
- Supreme Court’s lottery ruling a lesson for Iowa law enforcement
- Taxing one stepchild but not another does not violate equal protection, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- The 2017-18 term marked the end of an era for the Iowa Supreme Court
- The 2017-18 term marked the end of an era for the Iowa Supreme Court
- The final round of oral arguments for the Iowa Supreme Court’s 2018-19 term set for April 9
- The Iowa Civil Rights Act doesn’t reach beyond the state’s borders, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- The Iowa Supreme Court grapples with alleged jury confusion with instructions in a comparative fault case, but declines to order a new trial
- The Iowa Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in eight cases Dec. 11 and 12
- The Iowa Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in five cases Nov. 13 and 14
- The Iowa Supreme Court’s views have evolved on equal protection, according to Drake Law Review article co-authored by Justice Edward Mansfield
- Trump Administration has three vacancies to fill on the Eighth Circuit
- Trump will have three Eighth Circuit vacancies to fill
- Two judges appointed to Iowa Court of Appeals by Governor Reynolds
- U.S. Senate confirms Iowa native for seat on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
- U.S. Supreme Court denies appeal in Iowa City murder case
- U.S. Supreme Court denies DeCosters’ prison sentence appeals
- U.S. Supreme Court denies Iowan’s appeal challenging Fourth Amendment exception
- U.S. Supreme Court denies reduced criminal sentences in appeal from Iowa
- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch shares his views on preserving the rule of law at Des Moines conference
- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and U.S. Attorney General Sessions on the program for Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference in Des Moines
- U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal from an Iowa surrogate mother seeking custody of the child
- U.S. Supreme Court to consider an appeal from an Iowa surrogate mother seeking custody of the child
- Update: Chief Justice Roberts denies states’ request to stay the EPA’s mercury rule
- UPDATE: Eighth Circuit denies ISU’s request for a stay
- Voters solidly back all 66 Iowa judges standing for retention
- What the Iowa Supreme Court is doing this summer while you are on vacation
- When are police reports introduced in a civil trial public records? It depends, the Iowa Supreme Court says
- Why the Iowa Supreme Court declined to outlaw ‘pretextual’ traffic stops under the Iowa Constitution
- (no title)
- 911 dispatcher with PTSD is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- A dozen cases to be submitted to Iowa Supreme Court this week without oral argument
- A pro se trip through three Iowa courts winds up at a dead end
- A statistical review of the 2021-2022 Iowa Supreme Court term: while polarization recedes, disagreement persists
- A statistical review of the 2022-2023 Iowa Supreme Court term
- A statistical review of the 2023-2024 Iowa Supreme Court term: The Court finds a new equilibrium
- Acting Chief Justice Wiggins to deliver State of the Judiciary speech to the Legislature Jan. 15
- Alleged forged signature on an agreement: Still enforceable? Yes, if you accept the equipment and make payments, says Iowa Supreme Court
- An entity created by local governments is beyond the State Auditor’s reach, according to the Iowa Supreme Court
- An evenly divided Supreme Court affirms “fetal heartbeat law” injunction by operation of law, trades barbs on matters of jurisprudence and appellate procedure
- Analyzing DNA voluntarily abandoned in public is not a search under the United States or Iowa Constitution, according to the Iowa Supreme Court
- Appeal filed in federal constitutional challenge to Iowa gender-balance law for State Judicial Nominating Commission
- Appeal for injunction dropped in constitutional challenge to gender-balance rule for State Judicial Nominating Commission
- Appeals court rejects Hearst’s bid for reconsideration of defamation ruling involving Iowa dairy farm
- Appeals court sends wedding videographers’ case to trial on question of discrimination against same-sex couples
- Appeals court upholds injunction against Iowa’s ban on mask mandates in schools, but wants it narrowed
- April 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Article on Iowa dairy farm made potentially defamatory statements about California congressman, Eighth Circuit rules
- Christopher McDonald talks about his approach to being an appellate judge in podcast interview
- City is liable for cyclist injured on bike trail, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- City’s requirement that renters admit city inspectors is not unconstitutional, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Closely divided Iowa Supreme Court finds challenges to abortion restrictions under Iowa constitution subject to rational-basis review, reverses injunction against “fetal heartbeat” law
- Corporate Shareholders Suing Directors Face Heightened Pleading Requirement, Iowa Supreme Court Holds
- County assessor’s list of property owners seeking anonymity may be kept confidential, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Court of Appeals Judge David May elevated to Iowa Supreme Court by Governor Reynolds
- Davenport mayor may remove Civil Rights Commissioner without cause, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- December 2023 Opinion Roundup
- Deeply divided Supreme Court upholds new law on absentee ballot request forms
- Deputy’s misstatements in warrant application were not intentionally false, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Des Moines detectives not protected by qualified immunity, federal appeals court rules
- Des Moines police officers denied immunity for holding crime witnesses, Eighth Circuit rules
- Detectives’ ‘distasteful’ deception crossed no constitutional lines, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- District Associate Judge Ahlers of Fort Dodge appointed to Iowa Court of Appeals
- Divided Iowa Supreme Court affirms trial court on license plate obscured by trailer hitch ball
- Divided Iowa Supreme Court reversed district court’s exclusion of criminal defendant’s family from attending trial under the Court’s COVID-19 Supervisory Order as a violation of the public right to trial
- Divided Iowa Supreme Court strikes down precedent on animal confinements
- Divided Iowa Supreme Court upholds state law governing restoration of firearms rights
- Does Iowa’s constitution require a tougher standard for removing minority jurors? Iowa Supreme Court says no
- DOT’s delay in traffic stop violated trucker’s 4th Amendment rights, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Drake University did not violate trustee’s rights by removing him from the board, federal appeals court rules
- Edited body camera video should not have been admitted in OWI trial, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms dismissal of former City of Cedar Falls employee’s claims against the city
- Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upends Voting Rights Act precedents on who has the right to challenge laws based on race or color
- Eighth Circuit Vacates Injunction Against Iowa’s Mask Mandate Ban On Mootness Grounds
- Esquire magazine seeks new hearing on Eighth Circuit defamation ruling involving Iowa dairy farm
- Facebook post was rude and insulting but not libelous, Iowa Court of Appeals rules
- February 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Federal appeals court ruling puts legal saga of Indian casino in Iowa nearer to conclusion
- Federal appeals court to hear arguments in three cases at Drake Law School Oct. 26
- Federal appeals court to hear arguments Sept. 20 on Iowa law barring undercover access to livestock facilities
- Federal court says grand jury may see records of investigation into Iowa State Patrol officer misconduct
- Federal court to hear appeal on Council Bluffs’ pit-bull dog ban
- Fired Catholic school principal won’t get new trial, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Firing for posting rainbow flag criticism did not violate Civil Rights Act, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals holds
- Former employee’s common law negligence claims were preempted by the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Act, the Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Former state employee may pursue claim she was fired for complying with Iowa Open Records Act, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Funeral service set for Rosemary Shaw Sackett, former Chief Judge of the Iowa Court of Appeals
- Grant Wood paintings must remain at Coe College, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Homesteads exempt from mechanic’s lien foreclosure to collect legal fees, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- In a Wapello County case, Iowa Supreme Court parses settlement agreement language on ‘derelict’ vehicles
- In case to be heard in Bondurant April 2, Iowa Supreme Court is asked: When is a ‘firearm’ not an ‘offensive weapon’?
- In four opinions over 61 pages, Iowa Supreme Court wrestles with meaning of Fourth Amendment
- Indecent exposure before two witnesses is two crimes, not one, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Indiana doctor can be sued over contract dispute in Iowa, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Iowa Chief Justice Christensen explains her rural roots in new podcast interview
- Iowa Code section 20.32 does not extend broader bargaining rights to nontransit employees, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Iowa Constitution can protect legislators from subpoenas, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Iowa Constitution mandates face-to-face confrontation by witness, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Iowa Court of Appeals April 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals August 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals December 2023 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals December 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals denies new trial for Cristhian Bahena Rivera
- Iowa Court of Appeals February 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals July 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals October 2024 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Court of Appeals outlines analysis for parental rights’ termination and reunification extension
- Iowa Court of Appeals September 2023 Published Opinion Roundup
- Iowa Supreme Court 2019-20 term review: A year of historic challenges
- Iowa Supreme Court 2020-21 statistical review: Christensen Court thinks outside voting blocs
- Iowa Supreme Court adds a case on jurisdiction over criminal cases at Meskwaki Settlement
- Iowa Supreme Court adds cases to be heard in 2020-21 term
- Iowa Supreme Court adopts a position on suspects’ right to counsel that earlier fell short of a majority
- Iowa Supreme Court affirms transgender discrimination claims against Iowa Department of Corrections and affirms summary judgment ruling in favor of Wellmark
- Iowa Supreme Court allows open records suit to proceed, saying the Governor is not immune from such litigation
- Iowa Supreme Court and Eighth Circuit Uphold Denials Of Insurance Coverage Arising From COVID-19 Business Closures
- Iowa Supreme Court applies ‘plain feel’ exception to uphold Fourth Amendment warrantless search
- Iowa Supreme Court asked to toss suit seeking to force Iowa to regulate agricultural pollution
- Iowa Supreme Court begins 2022-23 term with oral arguments set for Des Moines and four other cities
- Iowa Supreme Court clarifies statutory “certificate of merit” requirements for medical malpractice suits
- Iowa Supreme Court deadlocks on constitutional ‘takings’ question in Madison County power line case
- Iowa Supreme Court deadlocks on specifics required for liability waivers
- Iowa Supreme Court declines to extend juvenile sentencing protections to young adults in two cases
- Iowa Supreme Court declines to overrule its precedent allowing multiple robbery charges when theft victims are also assaulted
- Iowa Supreme Court denies further review in challenges to changes in judicial nominating process
- Iowa Supreme Court denies requests for interlocutory review on absentee ballot request forms
- Iowa Supreme Court denies State’s bid for rehearing on standard of review for abortion regulations
- Iowa Supreme Court Does Not Reverse District Court Determination That The Supreme Court’s COVID-19 Orders Tolling Statutes Of Limitations Violated The Iowa Constitution
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in five cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in four cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in four cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in four cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in four cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in four cases Friday — 20 cases remain to be decided this term
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in seven cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in six cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in six cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in three cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in three cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court expected to release opinions in three cases Wednesday
- Iowa Supreme Court finds that Iowa statute limiting reimbursement for privately retained counsel does not violate Sixth Amendment
- Iowa Supreme Court grants further review in four Court of Appeals decisions
- Iowa Supreme Court holds Black defendant not harmed by juror strike, but three justices object to a race-related reference in juror questioning
- Iowa Supreme Court holds new qualified immunity provision does not apply retrospectively but applies new heightened pleading standard to claims against Polk County by former employee
- Iowa Supreme Court holds subpoenas served on a non-party should have been quashed for imposing an undue burden
- Iowa Supreme Court holds that signed liability waiver does not protect zip line operator from claims of “gross negligence”
- Iowa Supreme Court issues split rulings on firearms rights
- Iowa Supreme Court kicks off 2024-25 term Sept. 6
- Iowa Supreme Court leaves rules in place for appealing guilty pleas
- Iowa Supreme Court opinions expected in three cases Friday
- Iowa Supreme Court partially affirms trial court in mixed Cedar Rapids public records decision
- Iowa Supreme Court reaffirms its precedent on reciting rights to drunk driving suspects
- Iowa Supreme Court rejects challenges to collection of fines generated by traffic cameras
- Iowa Supreme Court rejects Planned Parenthood’s constitutional challenge to Iowa law preventing abortion providers from accessing grant funds for sexual education programs
- Iowa Supreme Court reverses jury verdict in DMACC pay discrimination case
- Iowa Supreme Court reverses Polk County ruling on absentee ballot request forms
- Iowa Supreme Court reverses prior decisions on liability for failure to maintain city sidewalks and swimming pools
- Iowa Supreme Court rules on who can appeal a decision of the Iowa Public Information Board
- Iowa Supreme Court rules that Iowa Utilities Board must consider alternatives to a public utility’s plan for managing emissions
- Iowa Supreme Court says its ruling on racial composition of juries does not apply retroactively
- Iowa Supreme Court seeks public comment on proposed rules governing remote court proceedings
- Iowa Supreme Court selects Chief Justice Susan Christensen for a second term
- Iowa Supreme Court sends ‘stand your ground’ case back for new trial
- Iowa Supreme Court sends case on “protectionist” legislation back to trial court with pointed language about legislative logrolling
- Iowa Supreme Court sends question of State Auditor’s application of records law back to district court
- Iowa Supreme Court set to begin three days of oral arguments Dec. 16.
- Iowa Supreme Court set to hear arguments in eight cases March 23 and 24
- Iowa Supreme Court should overturn 2018 ruling protecting abortion choice, State argues in appeal
- Iowa Supreme Court splits over causation requirement for a toxic tort claim
- Iowa Supreme Court stands by its ‘continuing storm’ doctrine in slip-and-fall suits
- Iowa Supreme Court to again look at question of removing passengers from vehicles during roadside stops
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear 9 cases January 19 and 20
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear a case in Waverly involving a search prompted by a drug-detection dog
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear a case with constitutional implications in Feb. 20 evening session
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear appeal on constitutionality of law on absentee ballot request forms
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments April 11 on constitutionality of Iowa’s fetal cardiac activity abortion statute
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments Feb. 10 in a case of an emotional support dog versus a neighbor with allergies
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 10 cases Dec. 17 and 18
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 10 cases Wednesday and Thursday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 11 cases Feb. 19-21
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 11 cases Feb. 21 and 22
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 11 cases Wednesday and Thursday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 12 cases Sept.14 and 15
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in 8 cases Dec. 13 and 14
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in assisted-reproduction fraud case in a special evening session Feb. 11
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in case related to Covid-19 shut-down in special Feb. 21 evening session
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight appeals Dec. 14 and 15
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight appeals Oct. 12 and 13
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Apr. 10-11
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases March 23 and 24
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases March 26 and 27
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Nov. 13-14
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Oct. 10 and 11
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Oct. 8-10
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in eight cases Sept. 11 and 12
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in five cases Jan. 21
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in five cases Tuesday and Wednesday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in four cases Jan. 23
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in Iowa City Sept 6 on Linn County Auditor’s election-security case
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in nine cases Feb. 21, 22 and 23
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in one appeal April 8
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in one case in Denison Oct. 25
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in one case in Marshalltown Nov. 19
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in seven appeals Tuesday and Wednesday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in seven appeals Wednesday and Thursday
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in seven cases Dec. 14 and 15
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in seven cases March 20, 21
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in seven cases Nov. 15 and 16
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in six cases Sept. 13-14
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in three cases April 11, including on enforcement of Iowa’s fetal-heartbeat abortion law
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear arguments in two cases March 22
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral argument in one case April 20
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in 10 appeals this week — all by remote video conference
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in 11 appeals Jan. 18 and 19
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in eight appeals Jan. 22 and 23
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in one case at Harlan High School Sept. 24
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in Summit pipeline case Oct. 8 in historic Iowa State Capitol courtroom
- Iowa Supreme Court to hear seven cases Wednesday and Thursday
- Iowa Supreme Court unanimously overturns 2017 Godfrey precedent establishing direct damages claims under Iowa Constitution
- Iowa Supreme Court upholds first-degree murder conviction after fourth trial
- Iowa Supreme Court upholds minimum prison term for juvenile convicted of murder
- Iowa Supreme Court upholds removal of Libertarian Party candidates from November ballot
- Iowa Supreme Court will go on the road Sept. 23 to hear case involving police search of Lyft passenger
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in eight appeals Wednesday and Thursday
- Iowa Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in nine appeals Nov. 18 and 19
- Iowa Supreme Court will mark Justice Appel’s retirement at June 2 ceremony
- Iowa Supreme Court will seek to unlock legislative intent in an evening session March 9 at Des Moines’ Roosevelt High School
- Iowa Supreme Court: ‘Scurrilous’ notes taped to doors of residents displaying rainbow flags amounted to hate crime
- Iowa Supreme Court: All voters count where referendum petitions are concerned
- Iowa Supreme Court: Angry words on social media don’t necessarily add up to defamation
- Iowa Supreme Court: Godfrey’s discrimination claims fail under both the Iowa Constitution and the Civil Rights Act
- Iowa Supreme Court: It is not enough to say that a cow does not belong on a highway
- Iowa Supreme Court: Lawsuit challenging governor’s judicial appointment presents a “political question,” not a question for the courts
- Iowa Supreme Court: Legislature’s limits on criminal appeals don’t violate the Constitution
- Iowa Supreme Court: No class action status for chiropractors in antitrust suit against Wellmark
- Iowa Supreme Court: Plaintiffs who dropped hog-confinement suit must pay defendants’ costs
- Iowa Supreme Court: Tort Claims Act governs excessive-force claims under the state Constitution
- Iowa Supreme Court’s 2023-24 term begins with oral arguments Sep. 13-14
- Iowa Supreme Court’s splintered abortion ruling: Four opinions covering 182 pages
- Iowa Supreme kicks off its 2020-21 term with oral arguments this week
- January 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Judicial Branch launches monthly podcast on Iowa courts
- June 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Jury instruction on ‘stand your ground’ defense violated the Fifth Amendment, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Justice Mansfield describes appellate process in new podcast
- Justice Matthew McDermott traces his route to the Iowa Supreme Court in podcast interview
- Landowners challenging DOT eminent domain action missed a critical filing deadline, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Lawyers overwhelmingly back Iowa judges for retention in November election
- Lay Landowner Cannot Testify About Specific Comparable Sales to Support the Valuation of His Land Without Expert Testimony, Iowa Supreme Court Rules
- Legal status of Grant Wood paintings at stake in case to be argued before Iowa Supreme Court Oct. 11 in Iowa City
- Local civil rights ordinances not enforceable in state court, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Malpractice case resulting in $97 million verdict sent back for a new trial by Iowa Supreme Court
- March 2024 Opinion Roundup
- May 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Miranda-Type Warning Not Required For Pat-Down Searches, Iowa Supreme Court Rules
- Municipal water utility not protected from strict liability for main breaks, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Names of applicants seeking appointment to Scott County Board of Supervisors are public records, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- New chief judge elected, and other changes on the Iowa Court of Appeals
- Nine cases to be argued before Iowa Supreme Court Oct. 21 and 22
- No Fourth Amendment violation in vehicle search after drug-sniffing dog sticks its nose through an open window, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- No right to self representation in civil commitment case, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- November 2023 Opinion Roundup
- November 2024 Opinion Roundup
- October 2023 Opinion Roundup
- October 2024 Opinion Roundup
- Opinions in five cases to be handed down by Iowa Supreme Court Friday
- Opinions in two cases expected from Iowa Supreme Court Friday
- Oral argument on the right to a jury will be heard by Iowa Supreme Court in session in Perry April 4
- Oral Arguments Postponement
- Pipeline statute giving surveyors access to private property is constitutional, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Plaintiff seeking confidential government documents in public-records suit must first show they may be released to the public, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Public invited to observe Iowa Supreme Court oral arguments at an evening session Feb. 19
- Question before Iowa Supreme Court: Is it enough to say a cow does not belong on a highway?
- Question before Iowa Supreme Court: Was a defendant free to drive off from a police encounter?
- Railroad’s share of drainage district repairs based on benefit, not cost, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Residential contractors must be licensed to represent homeowners with insurers
- Right to a jury does not apply to Consumer Fraud Act claims brought by the Attorney General, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Roofing company’s 30-day grace period and 1.5% monthly default charge is not subject to Consumer Credit Code
- Sex offender not eligible for release after serving prison sentence, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- State delays in considering prison inmates for parole must meet constitutional standard, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- State statute requiring a signature under oath means what it says, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- State universities must pay health care association assessments, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- State worker failed to prove boss created a hostile work environment, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Statute penalizing assisted-reproduction fraud does not apply retroactively, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Statutory enforcement of workplace drug test violations the exclusive remedy, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Suit regarding ownership of Terrace Hill contents remanded to trial court by Iowa Supreme Court
- Susan Christensen, the new Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, will be first to serve a shortened term
- The State of Iowa, not employees, must pay dues owed to union, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Thirty cases yet to be decided in Iowa Supreme Court’s term ending in June
- Three Des Moines police officers denied immunity by U.S. Court of Appeals in traffic stop case
- Traffic stop is justified if ‘common sense’ suggests driver violated cell phone law, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Transformation of Iowa Supreme Court continues with Dana Oxley’s appointment
- Truckers must pursue workers’ compensation claims individually, not as a class, Iowa Supreme Court rules
- Two assistant attorneys general subpoenaed, but only one must testify, Iowa Supreme Court holds
- Two Iowa Supreme Court appeals challenge State jurisdiction on Tama Indian Settlement
- U.S. Supreme Court on California’s Proposition 12: Banning imports of pork from ‘cruel’ treatment not unconstitutional – at least for now
- U.S. Supreme Court sends Dubuque police search case back to the Eighth Circuit
- U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear Iowa Insurance Commissioner’s appeal of Iowa Supreme Court decision
- Was a real estate agent liable when a prospective buyer fell on an icy driveway? The Iowa Supreme Court says no
- With sex-affirming surgery case declared moot by Iowa Supreme Court, resolution of constitutional questions awaits a future case
- Work of Iowa Supreme Court continues during summer break between terms